Upper Limb

Upper Limb


REGIONS are: Axilla, Shoulder, Arm, Elbow, Forearm, Wrist and Hand and all else are Neurovasculature


ExamVivaSecondary TopicsRegionProp
2007-2Dermatomes 2007-2Peripheral nervesNeurovasculature
2009-1Lymphatics 2009-1 Neurovasculature
2008-1Median nerve 2008-1 Neurovasculature
2007-1Median nerve 2007-1 Neurovasculature
2005-2Median nerve 2005-2 Neurovasculature
2005-2Median nerve 2005-2 Neurovasculature
2007-2Radial nerve 2007-2 Neurovasculature
2004-2Radial nerve 2004-2DermatomesNeurovasculature
2017-2-CUlnar nerve 2017-2-CAt the elbowNeurovasculature
2012-1Ulnar nerve 2012-1 Neurovasculature
2010-1Venous drainage 2010-1 Neurovasculature
2003-1Venous drainage 2003-1 Neurovasculature
2011-2Axilla 2011-2Boundaries and contentsAxilla
2011-2Axilla 2011-2Brachial plexusAxilla
2017-1-DBrachial Plexus 2017-1-D Axilla
2016-2-ABrachial Plexus 2016-2-A Axilla
2016-1-ABrachial Plexus 2016-1-A Axilla
2010-1Brachial Plexus 2010-1 Axilla
2007-2Brachial Plexus 2007-2 Axilla
2004-2Brachial Plexus 2004-2AxillaAxilla
2012-2Clavicle 2012-2Acromioclavicular JointShoulder
2009-1Clavicle 2009-1Subclavian VeinShoulder
2013-2-BRotator cuff 2013-2-B Shoulder
2012-1Rotator cuff 2012-1 Shoulder
2006-2Rotator cuff 2006-2 Shoulder
2016-2-DScapula 2016-2-D Shoulder
2012-2Scapula 2012-2 Shoulder
2005-1Scapula 2005-1Rotator cuffShoulder
2017-2-BShoulder 2017-2-B Shoulder
2014-2-BShoulder 2014-2-BStability, movement, bursaeShoulder
2014-1-DShoulder 2014-1-DStability, DislocationShoulder
2015-1-BShoulder XR 2015-1-B Shoulder
2022-1Humerus 2022-1 Arm
2017-1-AHumerus 2017-1-A Arm
2009-2Humerus 2009-2Shoulder stabilityArm
2007-2Humerus 2007-2Shoulder stabilityArm
2006-1Humerus 2006-1FracturesArm
2003-1Humerus 2003-1Muscles of shoulder abductionArm
2015-2-CHumerus XR 2015-2-C Arm
2023-2Cubital Fossa 2023-2 ElbowProp
2023-1Cubital Fossa 2023-1 ElbowProp
2017-1-DCubital Fossa 2017-1-D Elbow
2016-2-BCubital Fossa 2016-2-B Elbow
2015-2-CCubital Fossa 2015-2-C Elbow
2015-1-CCubital Fossa 2015-1-C Elbow
2014-1-BCubital Fossa 2014-1-B Elbow
2012-1Cubital Fossa 2012-1 Elbow
2010-2Cubital Fossa 2010-2Radial nerve, veinsElbow
2008-2Cubital Fossa 2008-2Brachial arteryElbow
2008-1Cubital Fossa 2008-1 Elbow
2006-1Cubital Fossa 2006-1 Elbow
2011-2Elbow 2011-2UlnaElbow
2010-1Elbow 2010-1Capsule, ligaments, movementsElbow
2008-2Elbow 2008-2Common extensor originElbow
2006-1Elbow 2006-1CapsuleElbow
2011-1Elbow movements 2011-1 Elbow
2014-2-DElbow XR 2014-2-DStabilityElbow
2012-2Elbow XR 2012-2StabilityElbow
2004-2Elbow XR 2004-2Ulnar collateral ligamentElbow
2003-2Elbow XR 2003-2Capsule, ligamentsElbow
2003-1Ulna 2003-1Flexion of elbowElbow
2009-2Forearm extensor compartment 2009-2 Forearm
2006-2Forearm flexor compartment 2006-2 Forearm
2003-2Forearm pronation and supination 2003-2 Forearm
2016-1-BRadius and Ulna 2016-1-B Forearm
2015-1-CVenous drainage 2015-1-C Forearm
2007-1Anatomical Snuffbox 2007-1Extensor retinaculumWrist and hand
2016-1-ACarpal bones 2016-1-A Wrist and hand
2008-1Carpal bones 2008-1Flexor retinaculumWrist and hand
2013-2-ACarpal tunnel 2013-2-ACarpal bones, wrist flexorsWrist and hand
2006-2Carpal tunnel 2006-2Flexor retinaculumWrist and hand
2013-1Dermatomes 2013-1Hand peripheral nerve supplyWrist and hand
2008-2Dermatomes 2008-2Hand peripheral nerve supplyWrist and hand
2017-2-DHand 2017-2-D Wrist and hand
2013-1Hand 2013-1VasculatureWrist and hand
2003-2Hand and wrist XR 2003-2Flexor retinaculumWrist and hand
2014-2-DHand Arterial Supply 2014-2-D Wrist and hand
2016-2-AHand bones 2016-2-AInterosseiWrist and hand
2010-2Hand muscles 2010-2 Wrist and hand
2003-2Hand muscles 2003-2 Wrist and hand
2011-2Hand sensation 2011-2 Wrist and hand
2003-2Hand vasculature 2003-2 Wrist and hand
2012-2Median nerve 2012-2Flexor retinaculum, carpal tunnelWrist and hand
2010-2Median nerve 2010-2Carpal tunnel syndromeWrist and hand
2005-1Middle finger flexors 2005-1 Wrist and hand
2017-2-DPalmar fascial spaces 2017-2-D Wrist and hand
2009-1Palmar fascial spaces 2009-1Palmar compartmentsWrist and hand
2013-1Thenar muscles 2013-1 Wrist and hand
2011-1Thenar muscles 2011-1 Wrist and hand
2010-2Thenar muscles 2010-2 Wrist and hand
2005-1Thumb movements 2005-1Muscles, nervesWrist and hand
2015-2-BWrist 2015-2-B Wrist and hand
2014-1-DWrist and hand bones 2014-1-DMedian nerveWrist and hand
2011-1Wrist and hand XR 2011-1 Wrist and hand
2005-2Wrist and hand XR 2005-2Carpal tunnelWrist and hand
2004-2Wrist and hand XR 2004-2Scaphoid blood supplyWrist and hand
2005-1Wrist bones 2005-1Flexor retinaculumWrist and hand
2003-1Wrist dorsum 2003-1Tendons crossing the wristWrist and hand
2009-1Wrist extensor retinaculum 2009-1Hand sensationWrist and hand
2009-2Wrist XR 2009-2 Wrist and hand